Beatrice Guttormsen
Hvordan fange et øyeblikk (How to capture a moment) Performance at the event Waiting for the Sun 15. november 2019 at Black Box theater. From 20:30-07:00. Stream of consciousness, on various walls, stairs, toilets….ongoing, all night.
How can I capture a moment, the time there and then that I’m in right now? My thoughts, the stream of thoughts that flow through my head, mixed with everything I see, have dreamed, have happened. Going past the self-censorship. I write down everything, becoming an instrument where the flow of thought passes through me and out onto the wall, down to the floor, as spoken words.
photo: Jonas Mailand
jeg pleide å bo her ( I used to live here), performance, stream of consciousness 1 hour writing without stopping. Behind camera: Ingrid K. Bjørnaali
Video of performance, 2018
Kunstplass contemporary Oslo, 2019